Puzzle System For Unity
Puzzle System is a framework designed to manage interactive puzzles in game development. It provides a structured way to create, handle, and solve puzzles within a game environment. The Puzzle System described here includes components for defining puzzles, managing dial interactions, validating solutions, and providing hints to players. Our puzzle system is based on Lock & Key Puzzle Mechanics
Lock & Key Puzzle System: An obstacle preventing the player from progressing when he needs a solution is a key to remove the lock. The puzzle's complexity is always the same. The Locker is a blocker system, it prevents game continuation. The correct combination of dials information is the key used to opening the Lock
Table of Contents
Install via Git URL
You can also use the "Install from Git URL" option from Unity Package Manager to install the package.
- Stores each dials current value, minimum and maximum values, and unique identifiers,
- Manages puzzle information, including name, valid solution values, current values, solved status, hints, and solving time.
- Handles combination-based puzzles; allows adjustment of dial values, solution validation, and puzzle solving.